Saturday, March 12

dla wszystkich tea maniaków ;-) ... i nie tylko

Nina designs - whities /bg/; clip your picture 2 /mask/
Sue Cummings - 52 inspirations-week 7/ paint splash,heart/
Taylormade designs - sunfallen /straight stitch/
Roben Maria designs - messy stiches / v stitch/

the journaling is a lovely poem by Uniek Swain:

tea leaves
tea loves

loves tea
lives tea
leaves tea?

and for all digi maniacs a little notice: there's an online crop/bday celebration event at Oscraps - so you'll find me there - and more digi to come on my blog these days ;-)

p.s. i want to share my first photo success - 4 photos featured on flickr explored this week ;-) my heart is fluttering with joy!!!

1 comment:

kornelia said...

journaling jest fantastyczny, choć brakuje mi tych pierwszych słów, że "tea leaves" :) bo to fajnie się zaczyna: liście herbaciane, potem o kochaniu herbaty, a potem, czy się herbatę "porzuci" -no i never, of course :)
ale co tam, rewelacja!