Wednesday, November 5

being thankful

I had lots of difficulty making this card - somehow I felt something was missing and I was not happy with the overall look of it - but finally I made it - and all in all I like how it came out. It's for this week's challenge at
Card-a-licious - the task is to make a thank you card. Check their blog because there are lots of beautiful cards this week there.

Oto kartka na nowe wyzwanie na blogu Card-a-licious - tym razem trzeba zrobić kartkę podziękowanie - oto co udsało mi się stworzyć - trochę się namęczylam, bo jakoś ciagle coś mi nie grało i zmieniałam dużo, ale w końcu się udało i nawet jestem zadowolona z rezultatu.

Recently a friend of mine has sent me this quote and I loved it so much that decided to make a layout that would remind me of this great truth that happiness can't be forced or catched - but if we're still enough and at peace with myself we'll surely notice it :-)

Niedawno przyjaciel przysłał mi ten piękny cytat o szcześciu:
Szczęście jest niczym motyl,
Im bardziej za nim gonisz, tym szybciej umyka.
Lecz skoro zwrócisz się ku innym sprawom,
Nadejdzie cicho i siądzie na ramieniu.
Postanowilam go zeskrapować, aby ta prawda - i szczęście - mi nie umknęły ...

And one more layout - this time me and my best girlfriends. The subject is gratitude - it's this month's topic at Scrapbooking from the Inside Out- a new amazing scrap kit club I've discovered recently which has lots of inspo not only for scrappers but all who look for personal development.

I jeszcze jeden scrapik - tym razem ja i moje ukochane przyjaciółki w Krakowie nad Wisłą. Temat scrapu - wdzięczność, bo taki jest temat w tym miesiącu na tej super inspirujacej stronce: Scrapbooking from the Inside Out.


danni reid. said...

your card is PERFECT, love the ribbon for the nest and the palette!

your "butterfly" quote is amazing as are your layouts!

Danielle Flanders said...

I think your card is gorgeous! Love the little bird!

hasior said...

Ania kartka z ptaszkiem jest cudna!! Ja chcę taką !!

Miki said...

Your cards & layout are just beautiful!! I just love that little birdie...he's so cute!

Tricia said...

I think the card came out PERFECT! I love this little bird. The layout with the quote is sweet. I really like your style!